Handmade ornament greeting cards - because I ran out of my printed greetings! |
After thinking about it this morning, I realized a lot of little things, yet very special things happened in just one tiny week... Here are some pictures & captions to accompany them below. I hope you enjoy!
The first snow day of the year. It was beautiful. |
Adding tinsel to the windows. |
I bought this magazine based solely on the cover! |
Beautiful and vintage decorations at South House in Jersey City. My husband and I visited here on the snow day. |
The Top 9 images people liked on my Instagram account during the year 2017. |
A handmade gift for my niece who turned six years old this week. |
Nature in the city. |
Beautiful artwork by one of my new private art lesson students. |
Our holiday meal at Hudson Hall - a giant pretzel, mushroom fries & a hummus platter. |
My favorite advent gift (so far!) |
I hope you all are having a very special week!
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